Sensor Control Electric Bicycle Hydraulic Brake

मद संख्या।:TP-150039E
High sensitivity sensor control electric bicycle hydraulic disc brake, with different options, कस्टम डिजाइन स्वीकार करें.


Easy installation, adjustment and maintenance
High heat dispersion & heat tolerance
High performance metal composite materials
Non-corrosive mineral oil
Excellent heat expansion properties

विशेष विवरण

उत्पाद Electric Bicycle Hydaulic Disc Brake
System Open system, Dual piston
Lever 3 finger
Caliper IS/post mounting
Power cut-off line 300मिमी
Front brake hose 800मिमी
Rear brake hose 1400मिमी
6 bolts disc rotor 140/160/180/203मिमी
Pads W/metallic comound pads
Customization स्वीकार्य