Manufacturer for Bike Tire, Tube and Wheel

Trust in our expertise and ride with confidence, knowing that your tires and wheels are engineered for maximum safety and durability.

Bike Tire & Tube & Wheel

اكتشف البراعة والأداء الفائقين مع مجموعتنا الواسعة من المنتجات.

حار بيع

اجذب الأنظار إلى المسارات من خلال قطع غيار الدراجات الأكثر مبيعًا لدينا. ارفع مستوى الركوب بجودة عالية وأسعار لا تقبل المنافسة.

رؤيتك, خبرتنا

حلول مخصصة وقفة واحدة

يمكننا أن نفعل ذلك بالكامل وفقًا لتفضيلات عملائنا ومواصفاتهم, أو يمكننا تبادل الأفكار معك للحصول على صورة واضحة لما تتصوره, ثم دفع الحدود.

Practical Uses of Bike Tyre

مصممة للتطبيق العملي وتعدد الاستخدامات, our bike tire and wheel offer endless possibilities.

Elevate Your Business with SHINE SOON Bike Tires, Tubes, and Wheels

Whether your customers are professional racers or casual riders, we have options to suit every level of expertise and preference. By choosing our bike tyres, you can expect:

  • Efficient shock absorption for fatigue minimization
  • Resistance against punctures and leaks for a worry-free ride
  • Tread pattern and biodegradable rubber for excellent traction on various surfaces
  • The combination of well-matched tires, tubes, and wheels for better stability and precise handling

How to Measure Bike Tire Size for Inner Tube?

Tire Diameter: Start by locating the tire size information printed on the sidewall of your bike tire. It typically appears as a series of numbers, مثل “26 x 2.1or “700c x 25”. The first number represents the tire diameter in inches or millimeters. Measure the diameter of the tire using a tape measure or ruler if the information is not readily available on the tire.

Tire Width: The second number in the tire size information represents the width of the tire. It is usually measured in inches or millimeters. Use a caliper or ruler to measure the width of the tire if it is not specified.

Once you have the tire diameter and width measurements, you can select an appropriate inner tube size that matches those dimensions. Inner tubes are typically labeled with a range of compatible tire sizes. Choose an inner tube that corresponds to your tire’s diameter and width measurements to ensure a proper fit.

يتذكر, it’s important to select an inner tube size that matches your tire size accurately to maintain optimal performance and safety while riding your bike.

على استعداد لرفع أداء دراجتك إلى آفاق جديدة?

انضم إلينا للتحضير للدواسة بقوة, دقة, والمهارة عندما نكشف النقاب عن مجموعتنا الاستثنائية من أجزاء الدراجة القوية.